“In the corporate sustainability dialogue we often pay attention to companies from the “visible” sectors. By visible, I mean those that have a significant environmental footprint such as the oil, gas and mining sectors. Visible can also relate to companies that make the goods we purchase, such as food and beverage, apparel and so on. Outside the realm of most people’s awareness is the footprint of buildings and everything that is involved with keeping the lights on, the floors clean and the air conditioning running. Buildings – for work and home – remain for the most part under the public radar because we all inhabit them.”  Read More >>

Greening Existing Buildings: Sustainable Solutions May be found in Obvious Places. Meirav Even Har. July 5, 2012<http://www.justmeans.com/Greening-Existing-Buildings-Sustainable-Solutions-May-be-found-in-Obvious-Places/54809.html>