Wall of Heroes

Wall of Heroes

Welcome to Bee-Clean’s Wall of Heroes! Loyal and dedicated Bee-Cleaners are the foundation of our company, and they have been paramount in managing the COVID-19 pandemic across Canada. Not only do we want to recognize the commitment and grit that all...

Future-proofing cleaning for the new normal

COVID-19 is a health tragedy that is likely to become even more tragic than the 1.2 million global deaths so far. However, businesses must find ways to safely re-engage during the pandemic with a focus on future-proofing cleaning, or else economic disaster will exacerbate the pain of illness and loss of life.

Bhim Bhimraj

Bhim Bhimraj

A beehive thrives because all the bees work together to ensure the survival of the colony. Every bee has a unique job and is fully aware of the role it plays in the hive. Our Bee-Clean hive is no different.Sadly, in June, we lost a cherished and highly valued member...
National Indigenous Peoples Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Setting aside a day for Indigenous Peoples is part of the broader recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ important place within the fabric of Canada and their ongoing contributions as First Peoples.  This year on June 21, 2020, to mark National Indigenous...

Now is the time to listen

Right now is a pivotal moment in our country. As Canadian stories of injustice begin to circulate, shining a broader light on the marginalization and discrimination of our Indigenous and Black communities, now is not a time to be silent!It is time to come together in...
Our words and actions will be guided by values that inspire…

Our words and actions will be guided by values that inspire…

As our country comes together to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, now, more than ever, is the time to reach out to our larger Bee-Clean community.   Our number one priority is maintaining the health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce and in...